The UConn Hartford Director’s Office offers faculty two kinds of funding that enhance our students’ learning experience (a) education-based collaborations with the Hartford community and (b) student-based research. This is the form for the latter request.
Limited awards (ranging from $50-$1,000) are available to support student research experiences with Hartford faculty that substantially enhance individual students’ opportunities to gain research experience. Expenses for individual projects may include: funding to partially defray the costs of an individual student’s research project, such as materials, books, participant payment, statistical training, student travel (e.g., to collect data or attend a conference), or student stipend. Other examples of requests include: extraordinary costs for research courses that go beyond standard lab maintenance expenses, or unusual costs that require justification, such as costs of printing student posters, or hosting a research event.
Proposals from any UConn Hartford faculty or staff (including all instructors), will be given priority. Other UConn faculty and staff are also eligible to submit proposals provided it substantially benefits Hartford students and is Hartford-based.
Preference will be given to submissions submitted by October 15 (Fall semester) and February 15 (Spring semester), but will be accepted on a rolling basis if funds have not been exhausted.
We are no longer accepting applications for Spring 2025 and will reopen for Fall 2025
Proposals will be reviewed by members of all members of the Faculty Council Subcommittee on Funding who do not have a conflict of interest with the request.